Recently I have been battling this horrible cold. The worse part of this cold is the fact that I cannot control the coughing at night. Strangely enough, I do some coughing during the day but most of my coughing occurs at night. These coughing fits are so bad that I cannot sleep all night long. The only thing that have helped so far is for me to have a cough drop in my mouth at all times when I sleep.
There are however, two activities I did that stopped the coughing at bay:
- Doing Hot Yoga
- Meditating
Last night during one of my coughing fits I decided to simply get up and sit on the side of my bed. I closed my eyes and began to meditate by centering my energy. I meditated with a question in mind: “why am I coughing?”.
Interestingly enough I got an intrinsic answer to my question! This is something new I a playing with. I ask a question during meditation and I listen to my intuition — what pops into my mind. What my intuition told me was quite interesting:
I am coughing because I have something to say that I am not saying.
I began to drill down and asked myself what I wanted to say that I am not saying:
I am not sharing my inner knowledge and wisdom.
And why is this important may I ask?
My inner wisdom is using this to remind me that I have things to do and I better get on it.
What do I have to do?
I need to do activities that will contribute to the transformation of people I am meant to help and they are waiting!
What kind of activities do I need to do?
Write, write write!
So I made a deal with my inner wisdom. I promised myself that I would come back and write down all that I have to say in return for some hours of good sleep and I must admit I have been sleeping well and with minimal coughing fits.
I feel like a whole other door has been opened to me. Meditating is fun. Hopefully next time I won’t have to manifest coughing fits to remind myself to meditate.
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