Everywhere I go I am coming across people writing about how to attract money. This is not just from The Secret, this is people from other parts of the world who are exposed to different cultural norms.
Yesterday I went to the Chinese supermarket to do some grocery shopping and came across their book section. I casually browse the romance section and making my way slowly to the self-help section. This seem to be the section of the bookstore that always draws me in somehow. I picked up a book written in Chinese with the title “Those who spend money makes money”. Ironically I am translating this title from Chinese and the book was originally written in Japanese. I wonder if something might have been lost in translation…
Regardless of what might have been lost in translation, the author seemed to believe that there is not point to save for retirement. He asserts that those who spend money will make money. The way to do it he said was to make dreams that you want to accomplish and the money will flow in. Most of the books I have been reading lately have been focusing on the importance of making long term goals / dreams instead of focusing on how much money I want to make.
I think there is a level of synchronicity there. Why would this information suddenly come to me from different directions? I have no doubt been exposed to the teachings of The Secret but I am now noticing an explosion of people writing about how to “attract” money instead of how to “make” money.
Maybe the universe knows that I am at a point in my life where I would like to create a new level of transformation for myself and it is showing me the things I need to learn. While nothing has been materialized, I find that I have been making weekly energetic shifts from the inner work I am doing. I find my life to be quite exciting right now even though nothing is ‘happening’. After all, the first steps to manifesting a physical reality that I want begins in the non-physical plane…
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