Consequences of Trying to Spoil My Kids

You Can’t Always Give Kids Everything They Want: My parenting adventure continues with this funny story about my parenting insights. Cedric really wanted to go on a real train ride for a very long time. He bugs me about it from time to time. In order to do this...

How A Child Learns What is Important

Today Dante had a small skating competition in his class. Prior to going to the competition I asked him if he wanted to tidy his hair with gel or wear something nice for the competition and he said, “Who cares? It’s not important.” We showed up at...

The Difficulty of Being Myself

I have been receiving guidance from my inner wisdom that I can benefit people by showing them who I truly am. However, I find it hard to be myself and show people who I truly am. This is especially so in public. So to get over my fears, I decided to film a video of...

A Mother’s Fear

As my kids continue to gain a sense of the world around them and grow into the wonderful little people that they are, I realized that new challenges arise with my role as their mother. Recently, this conversation happened in the car with my 6 year old son Cedric....

Lessons From a Sick Pet

Have you ever known someone who had a sick pet? Today I had a intuitive coaching session with a man who is going through a traumatic event of having a very sick pet. Rick’s family have had the loving company their dog Sam for over 10 years. Sam had fell ill with...