My First Feline Client

Today I did a session at a client’s house and had a very interesting experience.  For those of you who have not tried a Spiritual Regression session, the session is usually done with the client laying comfortably in the bed snuggled into the covers.  The...

A Spiritual Perspective to Money Problems

This inspirational story is about solving money problems… A few weeks ago a client came to me with issues surrounding the seemingly insurmountable debt she and her husband had accumulated due to a mistake her husband made a few years ago.  Since then, all income...

Putting Love into Perspective

Today, while I was about to have dinner on my own at my favourite restaurant, a friend called me on the phone, “What are you up to?” she asked. “I’m at my favourite restaurant eating my favourite meal.” I responded as I was waiting for my...

Don’t Shoot the Messenger

I have a friend who has been having issues with her foot.  It gets so painful she can’t walk sometimes.  She has been feeling angry and resentful about having a condition that has severely limited her mobility.  She went to a holistic medicine practitioner and...

Frequent Urination Cured!

Recently it came to my attention that I had a health problem. I had to go to the bathroom often and this had affected my ability to sleep through the night.  I worked with my Higher Self to see if there was a reason why I was having this problem. My HS said the reason...