He who kept him alive

Two days ago I facilitated a Spiritual Regression session with a 50 year old male client.  Aside from a being slightly chubby (not to the point of being overweight), he looked relatively healthy.  During the pre-session interview, Bill (not his real name) mentioned...

The last frontier of personal development

I have been putting much energy into personal and spiritual development for the last 5 years.  Overall, I think I have transformed myself in many ways.  Here are some of the more visible transformations I can think of: I am less of a Drama Queen then I used to be. I...

The Purpose

Today has been a philosophical day.  I started the day having breakfast with Dobes and talking about how time is not linear — how our past, present, and future coexist with each other in the present (this will have to be explained in another blog post).  Then I...

Millionaire Quote

Inspirational Quote of the Day: If I do everything I said I would do, I would be a millionaire.  May Chu

I am already RICH!

I just want to do a quick few lines to capture how I feel at this very moment: I am already Rich! Even though I am having some problems on the work front, I feel very abundant.  Since I feel so abundant, I know that the issues I am dealing with at work will eventually...