Three Mosquitoes and a Spider

This is not really an inspirational story but here goes! Recently, something strange happened to me.  For a period of one week, I kept having these huge mosquitoes showing up in the en-suite bathroom in my bedroom.  I am very allergic to mosquito bites so I did not...

Little Love

My four year old son Dante has a really good friend at daycare named Regina.  This morning when I was trying to buckle his seat belt in the car he took my hand and kissed all over the back of my hand.  Surprised by this sudden gesture of love I asked him, “Why...

Who’s the Daddy?

One day after dinner, my three year old son Dante, was playing with his Daddy and suddenly out of nowhere, he asserted to my husband, “Daddy, I used to be your Daddy!” “Oh Really? Are you sure? Were you the Daddy or Mommy?” My husband responded...

Who gets the treasure?

Today, I was trying to convince my three year old son Dante to come shopping with me.  My husband joined in the effort and said, “Why don’t we go to the Dollar Store (where everything costs $1 CAD) and see what treasures you might find there?”...

Free Latte

Yesterday I was writing my blog in a coffee shop.  After writing for awhile, I noticed my coffee was getting cold.  So I brought the coffee up to the Barista to see if he could heat up the coffee for me.  We started talking about different local coffee roasters when...

My First Feline Client

Today I did a session at a client’s house and had a very interesting experience.  For those of you who have not tried a Spiritual Regression session, the session is usually done with the client laying comfortably in the bed snuggled into the covers.  The...

A Spiritual Perspective to Money Problems

This inspirational story is about solving money problems… A few weeks ago a client came to me with issues surrounding the seemingly insurmountable debt she and her husband had accumulated due to a mistake her husband made a few years ago.  Since then, all income...

Putting Love into Perspective

Today, while I was about to have dinner on my own at my favourite restaurant, a friend called me on the phone, “What are you up to?” she asked. “I’m at my favourite restaurant eating my favourite meal.” I responded as I was waiting for my...

Don’t Shoot the Messenger

I have a friend who has been having issues with her foot.  It gets so painful she can’t walk sometimes.  She has been feeling angry and resentful about having a condition that has severely limited her mobility.  She went to a holistic medicine practitioner and...

Frequent Urination Cured!

Recently it came to my attention that I had a health problem. I had to go to the bathroom often and this had affected my ability to sleep through the night.  I worked with my Higher Self to see if there was a reason why I was having this problem. My HS said the reason...