A Conversation with Oprah, Eckhart, and Jack

Last week I had a fun coaching session with one of my coaches.  What was interesting about this session was that I got to listen to a recording of my own coaching session one week later.  I must say that it is quite a different feeling listening to myself on a...

Four Roses

Previously on Manifestation Stories I spoke about the fact that I am ready for a change in my life.  I went on a quest to realize the purpose of my existence through various methods.  I have tried hypnosis and coaching.  In this post I wanted to share a session I have...

Green Tea and Peanut Ice Cream

Today our nanny asked my husband and I to go out to eat lunch so she would have time to clean the house instead of cooking while my baby is asleep.  My husband and I love to go a Chinese Hot Pot restaurant nearby that serves great Hot Pot with soft serve ice cream as...

My Higher Purpose

Yesterday I got hypnotized.  This wasn’t the first time I got hypnotized.  My first experience with hypnosis was March 2007.  Since then, I have had 3 past life regressions which I will write about soon but the session yesterday was different from what I was...

I always get what I want

While I haven’t written down every single one of my intentions and how they have manifested.  I can’t remember not getting what I want.  I have asked for the seemingly impossible.  I asked for $300,000 and got $500,000, I asked for a soulmate, met him in 3...

What happened to the compassionate May?

Recently I have found myself to be increasingly annoyed.  I know it must be my ego playing tricks on me because only the ego gets annoyed, my authentic self cannot.  I am caught up in the day to day things and forgetting what is hidden, my desire to be compassionate....

The present moment

If you are puzzled by the title of this blog post you are not alone.  Lately I have been feeling some what strange.  Since 2006, I have spent a lot of my spiritual energy learning about setting intentions and manifesting them.  In fact, when I checked back on my...

Named with a Shooting Star

Beginning in July of this year, my husband Dobes and I had been doing some “relationship coaching” with relationship coach Alfred Depew.  We were coaching Alfred on getting his business accounting in order with our small business accounting software and in...

Manifesting a Man – Commitment

It has been a long time since I have written in this blog.  I have mainly been focused on the my small business accounting software and writing on the business blog.  But I keep feeling like there is some unfinished inspirational stories and posts to write. Previously...

Manifesting a Man – Limiting Beliefs

Previously on Manifesting a Man: I have been repeatedly asked by women seeking to manifest a man of their dreams why they couldn’t / haven’t been able to attract the right person into their lives.  In the last post, Manifesting a Man – Mr Feline, I...