The Impact of Divorce on Children

Do you know someone whose parents are divorced? Or do you know someone who is a single parent? This is an inspirational story of a man who faced his demons and found God along the way. I met Ricky Shetty – The Daddy Blogger at a speaking class and I was...

Spirit Guided Life

What does it mean to live a spirit guided life? How do I walk a spirit guided path? I discovered the answer a few days ago in a very interesting environment.  Let me explain… My twin sister Angel came to visit me from Taiwan for two weeks.  The last two nights...

May Chu Interviews Alfred DePew on A Moment of Divine Inspiration

Have you ever experienced how it feels like to communicate with the divine? Alfred DePew certainly has and he shares his story of a moment of Divine Inspiration in this 10 minute video clip. I first met Alfred DePew at a networking event.  My husband and I hired him...

Against the Odds

An Unusual Emotional Reaction Back in September, 2013, I felt a strange urge to contact a healer called Sian who was based in Perth Australia.  I had always felt a sense of kinship towards Sian on the forum we belonged to because she wrote remarkable stories.  She...

My New Mother

The last two months have been incredibly interesting and adventurous for me.  In October of 2012, my mother told me that she might be interested in learning more about the work I was doing — helping others resolve mysterious health issues.  I was super excited...

My Wish Came True

Here is a short discussion with my Higher Self a month ago: Question (Q): May would like to know if you could make her butt look smaller… Higher Self (HS): Yes, we can do that! Q: That’s wonderful! How soon will May notice a difference? HS: In a month. Q:...

The Merging of Heaven and Earth

A client recently came to me for a heaing session a while ago.  She was introduced to me through a referral from a friend and she had not previously heard of my work, nor has she read any blog posts I have written.  Annie (not her real name) had felt alone most of her...

The New Life Force

Previously in my post about The Story of a Water Planet I spoke about doing a session with Ken (not his real name) and finding out more about something in my own past existence.  The session with Ken was one of the most epic sessions I have conducted so far in my past...

Be Careful What You Wish For

Last week I saw this message in my inbox from Dan (not his real name): Hi May, how are you? I’m in Vancouver.  I would really like to meet up if you have some time.  Some interesting things are happening in my life and I would like to share some stories with...

Manifesting a Pet

“Dante, Mommy and Daddy are going out,” I said to my four year old son as I was walking out, “You stay with Granny ok?” “Where are you going?” Dante asked. “We are going to go look at a new house.” Daddy said to my great...