Channeled Messages are both a pain and a joy for me. Partly because I am insecure about them. I often ask myself, why would anyone want to read channeled messages? They all speak of Love and Light and seemed like there is no originality to it. I am not trying to...
May: Dear Source, I feel like I am such an awful writer, why did you ever tell me to write? Source: You suck, but We don’t. May: You are so funny! Source: You were chosen because of your willingness to be a vessel for us, not for how good YOU can write. May: Are...
I had been operating with a sense of self doubt in the last little while. Sat down to have a dialogue with my Higher Self today. Higher Self: The true place of contribution is from within It is the place of power When you are shattered to pieces within You cannot help...
close your eyes, you do not need to see there is nothing out there to see but a set of false illusions the only truth is within no one else will be able to find it for you you can only find it deep within yourself so, close your eyes, there is no need to see —...
This inspirational story is about solving money problems… A few weeks ago a client came to me with issues surrounding the seemingly insurmountable debt she and her husband had accumulated due to a mistake her husband made a few years ago. Since then, all income...
Today, while I was about to have dinner on my own at my favourite restaurant, a friend called me on the phone, “What are you up to?” she asked. “I’m at my favourite restaurant eating my favourite meal.” I responded as I was waiting for my...
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