Five years ago during the summer of 2012, I contacted fellow Quantum Healing practitioner Marilyn Dyke because I was having some uncomfortable skin rashes and some digestive issues. It was explained in the session that I was too shy to ask Marilyn out for coffee so I...
I had an amazing weekend of doing sessions to help people connect to their own inner wisdom and higher self. In one of the sessions I facilitated, the client connect to her own powerful higher self and even offered me a healing! The client’s higher self was able...
Mary was a woman in her 60s who was referred to me by a family member who tried a spiritual regression session before and had gotten a lot of healing from a session. She was initially skeptical of a session because she had a long standing chronic back problem and a...
“I believe you may have a strong connection to plants.” I said to my friend as I sat across her at a vegetarian restaurant. I wasn’t sure why I said this but I had a strong intuitive feeling that this was true. After over a decade of testing out my...
Recently I facilitated an inner wisdom session with a yoga teacher and here are the golden nuggets I learned from this session: Love, is the highest and most important mission. To solve the despair in the world requires more people to get in touch with their inner...
Recently I have been feeling a huge wave of energy washing over me as I go about my day. Sometimes this can be a bit annoying because I could not hold my smart phone if I wanted it to work properly. The good part about this new surge of energy is an increase in my...
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