I had an amazing weekend of doing sessions to help people connect to their own inner wisdom and higher self. In one of the sessions I facilitated, the client connect to her own powerful higher self and even offered me a healing! The client’s higher self was able...
Mary was a woman in her 60s who was referred to me by a family member who tried a spiritual regression session before and had gotten a lot of healing from a session. She was initially skeptical of a session because she had a long standing chronic back problem and a...
Have you ever wondered why certain people are in your life? Whether they are someone you love or someone who is causing a ruckus, there may be more to this than you think!
Have you ever experienced how it feels like to communicate with the divine? Alfred DePew certainly has and he shares his story of a moment of Divine Inspiration in this 10 minute video clip. I first met Alfred DePew at a networking event. My husband and I hired him...
A client recently came to me for a heaing session a while ago. She was introduced to me through a referral from a friend and she had not previously heard of my work, nor has she read any blog posts I have written. Annie (not her real name) had felt alone most of her...
“How has the last two weeks been for you?” My coach Alfred asked. “It has been busy with having my dad in town.” I said feeling a bit guilty about having done a half-ass job (yes, that is a technical term) on my so-called homework. “So...
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