Yesterday, my 4 year old son Dante convinced me to take him and his 2.5 year old brother to an indoor play area for kids. As I was parking the car, Dante asked me, “Mommy, do you have a lot of money?”.
“No, I don’t have a lot of money…” I paused in that moment and caught myself in a response that seemed more like a reaction than the truth. This was the response my parents gave me as a child. Maybe it was important for children to learn to be humble, to learn that money is hard to come by, to learn to be responsible with money because there is not enough to go around. But are these the values I would like to instill in my children? What would I like them to see as possibilities around money? What am I telling the Universe about my beliefs? Is this what I would like to manifest for myself?
“Actually Dante, I change my mind, I have LOTS of money.” I restated my position on this matter.
“Oh, can I have some money then?” Dante was quick to seize the opportunity.
“Why do you want some money?” I asked suspiciously. Now he has gotten me in his trap! I thought to myself.
“So I can take Cedric on all the rides!” Dante was hoping for a positive response from me.
“Oh, alright!” I ended up paying $5 for 8 tokens for him to go on all the rides.
Here are some of the questions I am asking myself: am I spoiling my children? That’s the ultimate fear of any parent. We’ve all seen those spoiled brats and we don’t want our children to turn out like them. Perhaps there is a fine balance between showing our children about endless possibilities and how money works. Are we supposed to have an endless supply of money? Can we really obtain everything we have ever wanted? Would this be some kind of focus on materialistic pursuits? Do we have to work hard for our money? What about those starving children in Africa?
I don’t have the answers to all these questions, what I know is that I want to teach my children they are the creators of their own life. I want to show them that the possibilities are endless. There are no limits in this world, not even the sky.
Being spoilt by money comes when a kid does not realize the work/effort in making various ready-made goods like clothes, toys, films or cookies for example. Being spoilt by money is actually to be unappreciative and unaware of the work/effort people have put in to create ready-made store-bought goods that can be easily bought with money.
For example, if the kid does not appreciate the hour-long work that goes into making cookies but simple buys them easily from shops with his money, he would not perceive the work or fun that goes behind making them. Being spoilt by money therefore means to be unappreciative and unaware of the work that was done in making ready-made store bought goods. Such spoilt people would also not realize the fun in making things as they have not been assisted by their parents to perceive reality on a deeper level.
The way to help a kid not be spoilt by money but be more appreciative and aware of material goods is to let him DIY the many things that can be bought with money. This also allows him to perceive the deeper level of reality(spirituality) and perceive the deeper finer qualities of reality.
Therefore if the parent of a kid does not let him buy store-bought cookies all the time but take him to the bakery store to buy the various ingredients and let him make the cookies himself, the kid will not become unappreciative/spoilt by the simple and easy trading of things with paper but will become appreciative of the work/details/qualities/factors that goes behind creating the various ready-made goods.
Starving children in Africa are either the backdrop people or they were experiencing being animals in their recent past lives, because they are similar to animals who also often starve in nature and multiple mindlessly without much control, which lead to their animal offspring to also starve. I think the spiritual realm would only let a soul experience what is suitable for it to experience based on its level of consciousness attainment from previous lives. So I think the spiritual realm knows what is best suitable for the soul to experience.
If more people in the world DIY store-bought things instead of buying them, there would not be so much unnecessary taking of resources from nature to produce them. Such saved resources would then be more spread out and not cause people to become poor and go hunger. Producing unnecessary wasteful store-bought things like meat and luxury goods are wasting much resources that can be donated to better many people’s lives.
Hi Timothy,
I have been playing with the idea of creation. In the realm of spirit, it is easy to materialize things and de-materialize them without much time and effort. Maybe at this time in our evolution, we still do not understand our own power and how to work with energy. All the so-called wastefulness is a result of inefficient use of energy. We extract oil from the ground so that we can get a car to move with gasoline. We need a car to move because we don’t know how to materialize and de-materialize ourselves into a different space or time. What if life was easy? Who needs food if we can learn to live on light? Why spend all those time “making” a cookie when a cookie is not necessary at all? If we want the experience of making a cookie, we can just make a cookie without tying this process to some kind of hard work.
I don’t have all the answers to my own questions and certainly you have given me some food for thought. He is a little bit young to be cooking right now. We don’t do a lot of baking here, probably because I am too concerned about cleaning up the mess a 4 year old and a 2 year old can leave behind (That is my own problem however). Money is a tricky thing. How we value money is often taught to us. What is important and unimportant is of our own creation. Since I have not had to “worry” about money for a few years now, I have had some time to examine my thoughts around it. At the end of the day, I feel that the experience I would like to create as part of my existence here is a good way to focus my energy. Sometimes the experiences I want to create require money, sometimes they do not.
As for the starving children in Africa, I have not solidify my beliefs around backdrop people. Based on my work as a Spiritual Regressionist, I know we choose our own lives and all the events that will occur in our lives. Therefore, from a spiritual perspective, it is not up to me to decide on the fate of others. However, I do want to stand for the ascension of all of humanity. If the backdrop people are counted as part of humanity, then I would count them in too. Somehow, as I am writing this, I have a feeling that humans may not be the only ones ascending…