At the beginning of March I made an intention that I wanted to attract $5000 into my life.  I didn’t know how this was going to happen.  My husband wasn’t doing a lot of work that gets him paid and when he does, his contracting company takes forever to pay him.  While I am a nurse, I dislike working so much that I haven’t really gone in to work.  In fact, I am seriously thinking about quitting nursing because I truly believe it is draining a lot of my energy from doing the things I really want to do.

Every week on Sunday, I sit down to plan my week on a excel form I called my “weekly intentions” where I state the things I will complete for the upcoming week towards accomplishing my goal and I also include a section where I write down all the things I request from the universe.  I remember writing down on my weekly intentions that I really wanted to attract $5000 into my life.  On the very same week, I found out I was pregnant and called my dad in Taiwan telling him he is having another grandchild on the way.  He was so happy that he immediately wired $2500 into my bank account.  The next day after that, my husband got a $2900 cheque in the mail.  The total amount of money that arrived that week amounted to $5400!!  I was ecstatic!

I thought I really should be taking setting intentions more seriously.  I have been reading a book by Napoleon Hill called “Think and Grow Rich” and recognizing that one must truly believe that they are already rich before they can actually manifest that into physical reality.  Due to my financial situation of not having enough positive cash-flow into the house, I spent a lot of time thinking about going in debt and having negative cash-flow.  Then, I went to a real estate investment seminar a woman who became a real estate multi-millionaire within 2 years and taught many others to do the same.  During that seminar, I had a sudden realization…


That’s right, I am really richer than I thought, I have a positive networth of $114,000 that I can draw from starting today to focus on a business my husband and I are building.  I realize that our thoughts are funny things, while my financial situation has not changed at all, I am suddenly feeling so much richer than I was a few weeks ago.  I know this will do wonders for my financial future because at this very moment, I feel so abundant, I cannot even believe I didn’t have enough money.

I have decided that I am going to shamelessly ask for what I want and get ready to receive manifested intentions joyfully.  Here are some of my intentions:

I intend to:

  • be deeply in love with my husband Dobes

  • live in harmony with my husband and children

  • have beautiful, conscious children

  • attract $10,000,000 in positive networth by December 2011

  • live in a penthouse suite with 4 bedrooms and beautiful mountain views

  • be an inspirational speaker / author to inspire people to recognize their limited beliefs and create the lives they want

  • speak to children about the power of positive intentions and giving them the tools to transform themselves and the world.

  • create scholarship funds and make donations to allow children to participate in extracurricular activities such as music and sports (I personally was a recipient of these funds and the traveling I got to do really left lasting memories in my mind).

Recently, a person who read my blog shared with me that he would really like to manifest a BMW.  Ever since he shared his dream with me, every time I see a BMW, I think of this guy who really wants to have a BMW.  I am sure if enough people thought of him every time they see a BMW, he could manifest a BMW much sooner!

For those who are reading my blog, what are some of your intentions?  Please take a moment to leave a comment and share your intentions to the universe so that we can send our positive energies your way.