The last two months have been incredibly interesting and adventurous for me. In October of 2012, my mother told me that she might be interested in learning more about the work I was doing — helping others resolve mysterious health issues. I was super excited and yet skeptical. She had a lot of health problems. She claimed that she had issues with her memory, vision, digestion, elimination, weak muscles and bones (osteoporosis), and issues with sleep requiring her to take tranquilizers to sleep every night.
I began to talk about the miracles in my work when she visited me. We didn’t have much to talk about because we didn’t share similar beliefs, but I kept trying anyways. I knew my mother would really benefit from a session but she wasn’t going to have one, at least not from me. Family members are hard to work with. This is because there may be some unspoken words and feelings or perhaps resentment that had pilled up after all the years of living together. I booked a plane ticket for my mother to attend a class that will introduce her to my work.
When I first saw my mother after she had completed a course, she was so happy to see me and she tried to give me a hug. I know this may sound like common sense for a mother to give the daughter a hug, but, the last hug I remember my mother gave me was when I was 7 years old. Hugging is just not something we do in the Chinese culture.
I asked her how her course was and if she was able to connect with her Higher Self and she said she had a great experience. I noticed something was different about my mother.
When I saw my mother, the conversation went something like this:
“So, what did you find out from your session?” I asked.
“I don’t know for sure because I haven’t really listened to it yet. I plan to listen to it when I have a moment. What I remember is mostly what my classmate told me.” My mother said.
“So, what did your classmates tell you about your session?” I asked.
“When I first got there, I complained about being tired and not being able to remember anything. I told them I couldn’t see very well and required a lot of assistance.” My mother said.
“So what did they say happened during your session? What does your Higher Self have to say about your health issues?” I asked.
“When my classmates asked the Higher Self for healing on my physical issues, it was said that they had to address the true source of why I was having these physical issues.”
“Oh! What was the true Source of all your physical issues?” I was very intrigued.
“They said it had something to do with my brain. So, the Higher Self had to rewire my brain.”
“They did WHAT?” I couldn’t believe my own ears.
“They said they had to rewire my brain.” She said while pointing at her head.
“So, what difference do you notice?” I asked.
“Well, that’s the thing, the day after we had our practice sessions, the teachewr asked the people with successful healing cases to go up to share with the rest of the class and my group went up. They told the class what happened since I still didn’t remember much from my session and one of the other classmates in the audience suddenly pointed out that I was no longer wearing my glasses. They said, ‘Didn’t you say you could not see well without your glasses? Where are your glasses now?’ And I thought to myself, Oh yeah! Where are my glasses? I guess I don’t need them anymore.
“Wow,” My own mother had a miraculous healing! “So, what do you notice now that your brain had been rewired?”
“I can remember the things I’ve learned!” She said.
“Well, I am having such a miraculous time here! It is amazing you don’t have to wear glasses anymore! On a different note, the kids are all sick back in Canada.” I was updating her on how her grandchildren were doing.
“Well…,” She said while her eyes looked upwards towards the left, “They are sick because they are not getting something they need from their parents.”
“And how did you know that?” I asked. Did she just pull that out of nowhere?
“Did I just say something? I don’t know where that came from, I just know that this could be the reason.” She said while looking at me again.
Somehow, my mother became kind of psychic. I don’t quite know how to explain it. It was like she knew the answers to things she did not know before. When her eyes looked up towards the left side, she seemed to have some pearls of wisdom that just came out of nowhere! Another thing she told me that just came out of nowhere was, “You cannot evade what you came here (Earth) to learn. To do so will only cause health consequences…even death.”
Wow May, this truly is wonderful for your Mother and you!