Five years ago during the summer of 2012, I contacted fellow Quantum Healing practitioner Marilyn Dyke because I was having some uncomfortable skin rashes and some digestive issues. It was explained in the session that I was too shy to ask Marilyn out for coffee so I booked her for a session instead.
It was a challenging, atypical session because I went nowhere. Instead, I connected with Nothingness — a facet of Source where both Everything and Nothing exist. In this session, we learned about Nothingness and Karma and a different way of looking at time and reality.
Here is a short excerpt from the session. Since Marilyn and I both have names that start with M, I will put Q as the questioner and A as the answer.
End of Karma and Multiple Realities
Q: One of her clients say that we are succeeding in saving the earth from destruction, is that true?
A: We are saving the earth from “perceived” destruction. Every physical manifestation starts with a spiritual intention / thought. So if people begin to think there was supposed to be destruction, that turns into some kind of unwanted intention. So what we want to say is that if people can begin to understand even just a little bit about the Nothingness of it all, then things wouldn’t matter to them as much and they wouldn’t feel like they need to “fight” for things.
Q: Ok, I want to step back into this reality that we are in now, where it is the general consensus that we are tipping the scale of balance and that the Earth is moving in a direction that destruction is not inevitable…Have we tipped in the positive direction?
A: There are simultaneous possibilities of both. And that is what many people see as the new or the old earth. Whatever we intend will become a possibility. So if we intend in our world, in our reality, that the Earth is peaceful and well, then the Earth is peaceful and well. Then some people may live in the reality that the Earth is not peaceful and well, in fact, they are afraid that the Earth would not be peaceful and well, then that is what they will do. In the laws of nature, everything in nature has is a way of balancing themselves. But we may find the “correction” to be destructive. So we told May the earth is a big crystal, that the energy is being extracted out of the this big crystal. When you take away this energy, it must be replenished some how. Normally, the Earth gets its replenishment from the Cosmos, but then the way the energy is being extracted from the Earth is very mechanical, like extraction of oil and gas. Then they burn the oil and that causes greenhouse gases which causes a blockage in the replenished energy from the Cosmos and we wonder why there are holes in the ozone layer right? It is just the Earth’s way of saying, I need a breather, I need that energy [to come through]. There is an imbalance of energy extraction and replenishment and there is going to be a period of time in which this will need to balance itself out. And when it balances, it may be, for a period of time, at the cost of human life or something…from our perspective, death is life and life is death. So we are not like, “Oh Gosh, these people are dying en mass”. In fact, it is just a transference of energy from physical to spiritual. We don’t view it as a bad thing. We see in the reality of the earth doing poorly, there will be some big correction to balance that energy. In the reality where the Earth is ‘balanced’, there will not be that kind of correction. There are actually many Earths, not just two.
Q: Is it correct to say that every human on the earth is living on their own version of the earth?
A: We do it in groups. So you may call them “buddies”. If a certain group of people believe in this kind of Earth, they live in this kind of earth. If a group of people live in a different kind of earth, they actually live in that different kind of earth. Sometimes they overlap, which is why May doesn’t watch TV.
Q: So she doesn’t overlap with other people’s reality?
A: We are saying that she is now at a place where she can change or influence other peoples’ realities. Where more people may think that the earth is doing well and that they can have anything they need and that survival is not a problem.
Q: Now, has May had previous lives before?
A: Hmmm…Lives are realities. Short answer is NO. She might have created different realities to experience. She is not really on linear time. She operates on simultaneous time. So, if you view it from a human brain perspective of linear time and you ask if she has had past lives, the answer would be “No”. But if you exist in the realm of simultaneous time, then she’s had many possibilities.
Q: She was wondering about the lives she has seen before in hypnosis and she was wondering if the lives she saw were “imprints” or they were actual experiences?
A: When she first went for hypnosis, she was not at the time, ready for the kind of information she is ready now. So we had to show her a “possibility” that she have chosen to experience. Now that she has the understanding she has now, she will less likely see additional possibilities.
Q: Can you comment on the Shower Theory with regards to past and future lives?
A: So they all occur at the same time simultaneously. So time is not linear. Think of it as many different experiences. When the water comes out of a shower, they come in all at once at different times, different periods in human history. And when you are experiencing this simultaneously, there is no “karma” in this kind of existence. So in a normal linear time, you may think, in a past life I did “this” and then I had to come back and learn something because of what I did in a past life. That’s linear time. In simultaneous lives, there is the “No Karma Experience” and the No Karma Experience is “Everything At Once!”.
Q: So Humanity in general has done away with Karma, we are done away with Karma. Is that a true statement? This is something I believe in that we are done with Karma. We just don’t realize it.
A: From Nothingness we create Karma, but from Nothingness, you can also create no Karma. Karma is a creation. Therefore, if you so choose, you can create no Karma, whereas some other people may still choose Karma. Does that make sense to you?
Q: So what I would say to that is, more and more people have chosen no Karma.
A: Karma was initially chosen. As more and more people be with Nothingness, then there is no Karma.
Q: More and more people on earth today are realizing this so, this is not even a conscious thing for them and they are just moving in the direction of no Karma.
A: Let’s not think of people as “People as you see it”. You see, you can have 5 people to a soul. You could have 100 people to a soul. So to say “more people” would not be the best representation of the concept we are trying to deliver here. This is part of May’s job you see, because she vibrates at the level of Nothingness and this vibration begins to dissolve the Karma into Nothingness…
Q: Do you have a parting message for May?
A: Be with that Nothingness!
Follow up Four Years Later
I no longer have skin issues or digestive issues (as long as I steer clear of meat and eggs). When I reviewed this session I realized that this session explained why we are getting less and less clients who will go into past lives in their spiritual regression sessions. More and more people are beginning to experience time as non-linear. The general consciousness is ready for this. This is why going “back and back and back” in time may not result in people going back in time. This is also why I believe this work will and must continue to evolve… because there exists a simultaneous / parallel reality in which it has already evolved.
There is an expression that says “all roads lead to Rome” and I understood this as, all methods of healing and all of our existences always lead us back to Source. There isn’t one perfect method / way of doing things. In fact, in the absence of linear time, we have been born and died already in the NOW.
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